100) { return; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // create a string $s_dir containing the full current path. //---------------------------------------------------------- $s_dir=""; for ($c=0; $c<=$dir_depth; $c++) { $s_dir .= $cur_path[$c]; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Open the directory, and read all the files from it one by one... //-------------------------------------------------------------------- $dhandle=opendir("$s_dir"); while ($file = readdir($dhandle)) { //------------------------------------------------- // Ignore the 'this' and 'parent' directory items //------------------------------------------------- if (($file!=".") && ($file!="..")) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if the file is a regular file - check it for the search text. // Only check files with a .php extension - this is all there is on WB! //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (is_file($s_dir.$file)) { $file_ext = substr($file, strlen($file)-4, 4); $arch = substr($file, strlen($file)-12, 12); $inde = substr($file, strlen($file)-10, 10); if (($file_ext == "html") && ($arch!="archive.html") && ($inde!="index.html")) search_file($s_dir.$file); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if the file is a directory - add it to the current_path and call this function again. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif (is_dir($s_dir.$file)) { $cur_path[++$dir_depth] = ($file."/"); search_dir(); $dir_depth--; } } } } // End of function. //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: search_file() - searches a file for the search term //---------------------------------------------------------------- function search_file ($file) { global $cur_path, $dir_depth, $search_term, $results, $r_text, $r_title, $matches; //---------------------------------------------------------- // create a string $s_dir containing the full current path //---------------------------------------------------------- $s_dir=""; for ($c=0; $c<=$dir_depth; $c++) $s_dir .= $cur_path[$c]; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Open the file, read it's contents into a variable $f_data. Create a lowercase version so // the search is case insensitive, then check that for the search term. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $f_size = filesize($file); if ($f_size>100000) $f_size=100000; $f_handle = fopen($file, "r"); $f_data = fread($f_handle, $f_size); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // If the file contains 'SSIGNORE' - Don't Search it. This prevents // scripts and other non-content files from being searched. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (strpos($f_data, 'SSIGNORE')!==FALSE) return; $f_dlc = strtolower($f_data); $t_text = ""; $in_tag = 0; if ($text = strstr(strip_tags($f_dlc), $search_term)) { $results[$matches] = $file; $text = substr($text, 0, 40); $text = str_replace ($search_term, "".$search_term. "", $text); $r_text [$matches] = "...". $text. "..."; $t_start = strpos ($f_dlc, "") + 7; $t_end = strpos ($f_dlc, ""); $r_title[$matches++] = substr($f_data, $t_start, $t_end-$t_start); } fclose($f_handle); } // End of function. ?>

Wie Wat Waar LiLaLog?

Geef één zoekterm op.

"; } echo "

$matches gevonden pagina's.

"; ?>